David Kravitz’s Book Will Change How I Travel!

There’s a new business idea going around that I believe is absolutely fascinating. Maybe it’s not new and maybe I’m just hearing about it at last minute because I travel so much and I can’t keep up with the times. Anyway, people who are travelers, such as myself, are being paid by other people who love to watch them travel! Isn’t that crazy? Apparently they take a camera with them on their adventures, maybe a GoPro which has been changing the lives of adventurists lately, and they stream with this camera to some service like twitch. The viewers will pay for anything, from watching a traveler do a crazy stunt such as jumping off a cliff to teaching the viewers survival techniques. It is absolutely amazing!

51x54WJHU7L._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_A friend of mine does this and she is how I found out about this amazing way to make money and gain a following while I’m off somewhere probably walking along the Sahara Desert. She handed me a book to read, which is fine. I’m always on a plane or in an airport so I have plenty of time to read, and the name of the book was called “How to Monetize Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, LinkedIn and Other Social Media Sites” written and published by a Mr. David Kravitz. Wow, David, how did you fit all that title on the book? That’s impressive!

I opened the book and sure enough, twitch was right in there closer towards the back and Mr. Kravitz goes into incredible helpful detail about how to get your account hooked up and connected with your camera and start streaming live. I’m seriously considering taking a shot at this. What do I have to lose? Right? I travel for free anyway and may as well make back some of the money I spend on the trip!

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