How COVID-19 Could Change How Business Travel Is Handled In The Future

Business travel will likely change because of COVID-19, but you need to understand how that travel will change. There are a few tips below that explain how you can approach business travel in a much more economical, efficient, and simple manner. You may need to take business trips very soon, or you may have planned on business travel in the fall or winter of 2020 when you believe the pandemic will have subsided. Consider these options as you plan your trips.

Business Travel Is Not Essential

Pedram Zohrevand recommends that you do not travel unless you believe it is absolutely essential. When you are traveling for business, you must travel because you have no other choice. For example, you can need to our complexes that you plan to buy for your investment group, but you do not need to travel to meet a client that you can see on a video call. Talk to your staff about essential travel so that you can plan accordingly.

You Will Take More Time In Security, The Airport, Or The Terminal

When you have limited yourself to essential travel, Pedram Zohrevand recommends that you allow at least another hour when you arrive at airports, stations, or terminals. With the advent of social distancing, you have no idea how long it might take to get through every line. Moreover, social distancing requires that you are not packed into a tight line at the airport while waiting for the security check of your carry-on bags.

You may be disheartened when you get to the airport or terminal only to see a massive line that is extremely long. It is nearly impossible to guess how long your wait will be based on the line, and you may not find a wait time sign until you get closer to the security area.

Your Clients May Be Uncomfortable If You Arrive In Town

You cannot simply “drop by” to see your clients while you are traveling. Most people who travel for business make a habit of visiting old friends or current clients while they are in certain cities. You may, however, not be welcome when you visit clients because they do not know if you are sick or not. Your clients have every right to be cautious, and you cannot get as much work done as you would have otherwise.

You Cannot Travel When You Are Sick

You may have taken trips many times in the past even though you were sick. Traveling while you are sick is often thought of as a good way to get some fresh air. You can rest in your hotel room because you are not attending to your family, and you have extra time during the day to care for yourself. You cannot travel if you are sick, however, in the modern world. When you are coughing or sneezing in the airport, you will make everyone nervous. The TSA agents will not want to be near you, and you may put other people in jeopardy because they are immunocompromised.

You Should Do As Much Work As You Can Digitally

You may want to eliminate all travel by using digital technology to work with your clients, customers, or partners. You may prefer to take a virtual tour of a new property when you are planning to bid. Your agent or the client can walk you through the property on a video call, and you may feel like it is wise to stay home.

You May Start Working From Home More Often

Business travel includes your commute to your office. You may want to try to work from home, and you can reduce your business travel by eliminating your commute. You should consider how much money you can save if you have everyone work from home, and you may want to start using video conferencing for all your official duties.

Because you have cut out business travel, you will save money every day. Your employees will save money, and you will risk anyone’s health to do business. Essential travel will be your only reason for leaving home, and you can stay with your family if someone is sick, the kids are not in school, or you need to travel to see family during a difficult time.


When you are wondering how the COVID-19 pandemic will change business travel, you also must consider how your company will get work done at all. You need to start using videoconferencing tools to meet with your staff, and you should cut back on non-essential travel. You can eliminate the daily commute by working from home, and you will not waste time waiting for security checks at the airport. Take into consideration how your employees feel about business travel, and even work with long-distance clients to prevent unsafe traveling habits

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